Operational Delivery Officer (m/w/d) Lehre / Apprendistato & Beruf

Operational Delivery Officer bei der Arbeit
© delphinmedia | Pixabay Public Domain

Bildungsweg: Duale Ausbildung

Empfohlener Schulabschluss: Hauptschulabschluss

Ausbildungsdauer: 1 Jahre

Operational Delivery Officer (m/w/d) Lehre / Apprendistato & Beruf

Operational Delivery Officers are responsible for all processes in warehouse operations. They plan stocks, deal with all kind of customers and manage orders with the use of IT systems.

Wie werde ich Operational Delivery Officer?

As an Operational Delivery Officer you need some requirements and interests thereby you can fulfill the tasks easily and have fun at work.

You should be...

  • a team player
  • able to plan and manage
  • able to solve problems quickly
  • customer-oriented
  • familiar with working on the computer
  • interested in planning warehouse operations

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